ASL ETHZ, Achu Wilson, CAR: Components, Agents, and Robots with Dynamic Languages, David Hodo, Fawkes, Isaac Saito, John Stowers, Mat Sadowski Blog, Michael Ferguson, MobileWill, MoveIt!, NooTriX, Open Source Robotics Foundation, PAL Robotics blog, Pi Robot, ROS Discourse General, ROS Industrial, ROS news, ROSVirtual, Robbie The Robot, Robots For Robots, Sachin Chitta's Blog, TORK, William Woodall, Yujin R&D, mobotica,
If you are a ROS developer/user and you blog about it, ROS wants those contributions on this page ! All you need for that to happen is:
- have an RSS/Atom blog (no Tweeter/Facebook/Google+ posts)
- open a pull request on planet.ros tracker indicating your name and your RSS feed/ATOM url. (You can just edit the file and click "Propose File Change" to open a pull request.)
- make your ROS related posts tagged with any of the following categories: "ROS", "R.O.S.", "ros", "r.o.s."
For security reasons, html iframe, embed, object, javascript will be stripped out. Only Youtube videos in object and embed will be kept.
GuidelinesPlanet ROS is one of the public faces of ROS and is read by users and potential contributors. The content remains the opinion of the bloggers but Planet ROS reserves the right to remove offensive posts.
Blogs should be related to ROS but that does not mean they should be devoid of personal subjects and opinions : those are encouraged since Planet ROS is a chance to know more about ROS developers.
Posts can be positive and promote ROS, or constructive and describe issues but should not contain useless flaming opinions. We want to keep ROS welcoming :)
ROS covers a wide variety of people and cultures. Profanities, prejudice, lewd comments and content likely to offend are to be avoided. Do not make personal attacks or attacks against other projects on your blog.
Suggestions ?If you find any bug or have any suggestion, please file a bug on the planet.ros tracker.